Jacob Sheep

16th November 2023

Jacob Sheep (Charlotte Blackler, Herb Majesty)

When Laban and himself were compromised

that all the eanlings which were streaked and pied

should fall as Jacob’s hire, the ewes being rank

in end of autumn turned to the rams,

and when the work of generation was

between these woolly breeders in the act,

the skillful shepherd pilled me certain wands,

and in doing of the deed of kind

he stuck them up before the fulsome ewes,

who then conceiving in eaning time

fall parti-coloured lambs, and those were Jacob’s.

This was a way to thrive, and he was blest;

And thrift is blessing if men steal it not.

SHYLOCK: Merchant of Venice, Act 1, Scene 3

Jacob Sheep were introduced to Britain in the 16 and 17th century from Spain. In Genesis Chapter 30 of the Bible, Jacob is paid by Laban in spotted and black sheep which is the source of Shylock’s speech in the Merchant of Venice: “I will pass through all thy flocks this day and separate from them all the sheep with little spots and great spots and all black lambs among the sheep, and the great spotted, and the little spotted among the goats: and it shall be my wages.”

More Information:

National Sheep Association Sheep Breeds: Visit Site

Jacob Sheep Society UK: Visit Site



