Amphibians, Newt Seona Anderson Amphibians, Newt Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, NEWT: Engenders the black toad and adder blue, the gilded newt and eyeless venomed worm. The magnificent Great Crested Newt is a priority protected species in the UK.

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Amphibians, Salamander Seona Anderson Amphibians, Salamander Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, SALAMANDER: I have maintained that salamander of yours with fire any time this two-and-thirty years. Salamanders have been associated with fire since antiquity. Fire Salamanders are now considered Vulnerable to Extinction.

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Amphibians, Frog Seona Anderson Amphibians, Frog Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, FROG: Would I could find a fine frog, he would tell me news from all parts o’ th’ world. Frogs are an integral part of our ecosystems as both prey and predator.

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Toad, Amphibians Seona Anderson Toad, Amphibians Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day: TOAD: Sweet are the uses of adversity, which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears a precious jewel in his head.

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