Shakespeare Species Hedge Sparrow: the hedge sparrow fed the cuckoo so long, that it’s had it head bit off by it young. The Tree Sparrow is slightly smaller than the House Sparrow and numbers declining greatly since the 1980s.
Shakespeare Species Divedapper: Upon this promise did he raise his chin like a divedapper peering through a wave. The divedapper is probably the Little Grebe, a water bird which regularly dives through the water.
Shakespeare Species Staniel (Kestrel): And with what wing the staniel checks at it. The Kestrel, famous for its hovering abilities makes only one appearance in Shakespeare’s works.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, BARBARY PIGEON: I will be more jealous of thee than a Barbary cock-pigeon over his hen. Barbary Pigeon is probably a Guinea Fowl.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, EYAS-MUSKET: How now, my eyas-musket? What news with you? Mistress Ford call Robin, Falstaff’s page, an Eyas-Musket or Sparrow Hawk.
Shakespeare Species, NIGHTINGALE: the nightingale, is she should sing by day… would be thought no better a musician than a wren. The Nightingale is celebrated for its night singing in Shakespeare & many cultural works.