Plant, Fern, Magic Seona Anderson Plant, Fern, Magic Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species FERN: We have the receipt of fern seed: we walk invisible. There is a tradition in many parts of Europe that finding the fern seed gave you treasure or powers such as invisibility. This was often linked to Midsummer. Happy Solstice!

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Plant, Fruit, Gooseberry Seona Anderson Plant, Fruit, Gooseberry Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Gooseberry: all the other gifts appurtentant to man… are not worth a gooseberry. Falstaff, the great giver and receiver of insults often uses nature based imagery.

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Plant, Trees, Fruit, Cherry Seona Anderson Plant, Trees, Fruit, Cherry Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, CHERRY: O, how ripe in show thy lips, those kissing cherries, tempting grow. Cherries symbolising lips is a regular image in Shakespeare’s works.

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Plant, Wild Plants, Thyme Seona Anderson Plant, Wild Plants, Thyme Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, WILD THYME: I know a bank where the wild thyme blows. The flower filled bank is the favourite bed of Titania, Queen of the Fairies. There are several wild Thyme species in the UK.

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Plant, Berry, Food, Strawberry Seona Anderson Plant, Berry, Food, Strawberry Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, STRAWBERRY: the strawberry grows underneath the nettle. The Bishop of Ely compares Prince Hal with the Strawberry and Falstaff with the Nettle, a dubious guard under which to flourish.

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Plant, Herb, Food, Fennel Seona Anderson Plant, Herb, Food, Fennel Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, FENNEL: even such delight among fresh fennel buds shall you inherit at my house tonight. Fennel was and is a popular herb & vegetable and is also used metaphorically in Shakespeare in several plays.

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Plant, Weeds, Nettle Seona Anderson Plant, Weeds, Nettle Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, NETTLE: yield stinging nettles to mine enemies. Nettles can be painful but they are also food for humans and other animals and provide a strong fiber which was highly valued.

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Plant, Plantain, Medicine Seona Anderson Plant, Plantain, Medicine Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, PLANTAIN: Your plantain leaf is excellent for that…Your broken shin. Plantain was and is an excellent herbal medicine for wounds and other ailments.

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Plant, Caper, Food Seona Anderson Plant, Caper, Food Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, CAPER: Andrew: I can cut a caper. Toby: And I can cut the mutton to ‘t. Caper is both a dance and the edible flower bud of the Caper bush.

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