Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, CONGER EEL: Hang yourself, you muddy conger, hang yourself! Conger is a food and an insult in Shakespeare. The MSC Good Fish Guide advises avoiding Conger Eels because of sustainability concerns.

Dogfish: Pucelle or puzel, dauphin or dogfish, your hearts I'll stamp out with my horse's heels. Dogfish are small sharks that are found all around UK waters.
There is one mention of the Porpoise in Shakespeare's works.
Shakespeare Species Shark: maw and gulf of the ravined salt-sea shark. The witches in Macbeth include Shark in their broth. There are over 20 resident Sharks and more deep water Sharks in the UK.
Shakespeare Species Shrimp: it cannot be this weak and writhled shrimp shuold strike such terror to his enemies. Shakespeare uses shrimp as a metaphor for weakness and smallness.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, CONGER EEL: Hang yourself, you muddy conger, hang yourself! Conger is a food and an insult in Shakespeare. The MSC Good Fish Guide advises avoiding Conger Eels because of sustainability concerns.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, PRAWN: telling us she had a good dish of prawn, whereby thou didst desire to eat. The original fine diner, Falstaff, enjoyed a good dish of Prawns.
Shakespeare Species Quote the Day, CORAL: Coral is far more red than her lips’ red. There are 1000s of Coral species including the Red Coral of jewellery. The UK has 1 reef-forming Coral which has colonies up to 4000 years old in the cold waters of Scotland.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, BARNACLES: we shall lose our time and all be turned to barnacles or to apes. Barnacles are marine invertebrates but this quote could also refer to Barnacle Geese.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, SPONGE: when he needs what you have gleaned, it is but squeezing you, and, sponge, you shall be dry again.