10th February 2024

Photo Credit: CANVA


Thus while the vulture of sedition

Feeds in the bosom of such great commanders,

Sleeping neglection doth betray to loss

The conquest of our scarce-cold conqueror,

That ever-living man of memory,

Henry the Fifth. Whiles they each other cross,

Lives, honours, lands, and all hurry to loss.

LUCY: Henry VI, Part 1, Act 4, Scene 3

VULTURE (e.g. Griffon Vulture: Gyps fulvus)

All of Shakespeare’s Vultures are metaphorical. There are no native British Vultures but there are 4 European Vultures. We do not know if Shakespeare ever encountered a real Vulture but they have a deep, but often negative, cultural heritage in Europe, the Classical world and in the Bible.

All of Europe’s four Vultures are threatened at some level. Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) numbers are climbing again, but the Bearded Vulture, Egyptian Vulture and Cinereous Vulture are declining. Organisations like the Vulture Conservation Foundation work to improve knowledge about and the reputation of Vultures.

More Information

Birdlife Datazone: Vultures

Folger Shakespeare Library: Search Shakespeare’s Works

IUCN Red List: Vultures

Perseus Digital Library: Vulture

Vulture Conservation Foundation: Visit Site


