Shakespeare Species Grasshopper: Her wagon spokes made of long spinners’ legs, the cover of the wings of grasshoppers. Queen Mab’s Fairy chariot is based on insect engineering.

Shakespeare Species Red-Hipped Humble Bee: kill me a red-hipped humble bee on top of a thistle and…bring me the honey bag. There are 6 red tailed Bumble Bees in the UK. This is a beautifully observed image from nature.

Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, CATERPILLAR: Bushy, Bagot and their complices, the caterpillars of the commonwealth. Caterpillar is used as an insult in several Shakespeare works.

Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, WATERFLIES: Ah, how the poor world is pestered with such waterflies, diminutives of nature. Shakespeare intends this as an insult but Waterflies such as the Mayflies have complex & fascinating life cycles.

Humble (Bumble)-Bee
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, HUMBLE-BEE: Full merrily the humble-bee doth sing, till he hath lost his honey and his sting; There are currently 24 species of Bumble Bee in the UK.

Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, ANT: We’ll set thee to school to an ant to learn that there’s no labouring i’ th’ winter. Ants were considered examples of ‘good’ insects whose organisational and social structures were considered instructional for human society.