Plant, Plantain, Medicine Seona Anderson Plant, Plantain, Medicine Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, PLANTAIN: Your plantain leaf is excellent for that…Your broken shin. Plantain was and is an excellent herbal medicine for wounds and other ailments.

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Plant, Balm, Medicine Seona Anderson Plant, Balm, Medicine Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, BALM: innocent sleep, sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care…balm of hurt minds. Balm was grown widely in Shakespearean England as a medicinal plant.

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Plants, Wormwood, Medicine, Herb Seona Anderson Plants, Wormwood, Medicine, Herb Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, WORMWOOD: To weed this wormwood from your fruitful brain and therewithal to win me. Wormwood is a herb, medicine, poison and signal of the end of days. Read more about this remarkable plant.

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Insects, Leech, Medicine Seona Anderson Insects, Leech, Medicine Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, LEECH: let us to France, like horse-leeches, my boys, to suck, to suck, the very blood to suck. Read about the fascinating lifecycle and medical history of Leeches.

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Medicine, Poppy Seona Anderson Medicine, Poppy Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, POPPY: Not poppy nor mandragora nor all the drowsy syrups of the world shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep which thou owedst yesterday

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