Mammal, Polecat, Insult Seona Anderson Mammal, Polecat, Insult Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, POLECAT or FITCHEW: ‘Tis such another fitchew - marry, a perfumed one! Polecat was used as an insult in Elizabethan England and the Polecat was almost exterminated in Britain by the early 20th Century.

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Mammals, Ounce, Predators Seona Anderson Mammals, Ounce, Predators Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, OUNCE: Love and languish for his sake. Be it ounce, or pard, or bear. The Ounce is now associated with the Snow Leopard which is Vulnerable globally.

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Mammals, Rabbit, Food Seona Anderson Mammals, Rabbit, Food Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, RABBIT/CONY: There is no remedy. I must cony-catch, I must shift. Rabbits were introduced either by the Romans or the Normans but are now naturalised in the UK.

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Shellfish, Mussels, Food Seona Anderson Shellfish, Mussels, Food Seona Anderson


Shakespreare Species Quote of the Day, MUSSEL: Ay, marry, was it, mussel-shell. What would you with her? Common Mussel is an important part of our marine ecosystem and a food source. There are a range of sustainable options for buying Mussels.

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Trees, Fruit, Medlar, Food Seona Anderson Trees, Fruit, Medlar, Food Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, MEDLAR: you’ll be rotten ere you be half ripe, that is the right virtue of the medlar. Medlars were a popular fruit of Shakespeare’s world but they have fallen out of fashion.

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Plants, Food, Mustard Seona Anderson Plants, Food, Mustard Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, MUSTARD: His wit’s as thick as Tewkesbury mustard. The spicy paste has long been used as a condiment but Shakespeare uses it as an insult.

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mammals, baboon Seona Anderson mammals, baboon Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day: Baboon: Cool it with baboon’s blood. Then the charm is firm and good. There are 6 living Baboon species.

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Mammals, Elephant Seona Anderson Mammals, Elephant Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day: ELEPHANT: The elephant hath joints, but none for courtesy: his legs are legs for necessity not for flexure. The Elephant, the largest land mammal is the world has always had great cultural significance but all species are endangered.

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Mammals, Squirrel Seona Anderson Mammals, Squirrel Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day: SQUIRREL: I have a venturous fairy that shall the squirrel’s hoard and fetch thee new nuts. Red Squirrels have suffered dramatic declines and are now endangered in the UK.

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FISH, Dace Seona Anderson FISH, Dace Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, DACE: if the young dace be a bait for the old pike, I see no reason in the law of nature but I may snap at him.

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Birds, Carrion, Vulture Seona Anderson Birds, Carrion, Vulture Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, VULTURE: while the vulture of sedition feeds in the bosom of such great commanders. Vultures are magnificent birds, essential to healthy ecosystems but long persecuted.

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Mammals, Mole Seona Anderson Mammals, Mole Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, MOLE: the blind mole casts copped hills towards heaven, to the tell the Earth is thronged with oppression.

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PORPENTINE (Porcupine)
Mammals, Porcupine Seona Anderson Mammals, Porcupine Seona Anderson

PORPENTINE (Porcupine)

Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, PORPENTINE (Porcupine): and each particular hair to stand an end, like quills on the fearful porpentine. Porcupines species are found in Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean and the Americas. Their spikes are used in defense.

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Mammals, Ferret Seona Anderson Mammals, Ferret Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, FERRET: Cicero looks with such ferret and such fiery eyes as we have seen him in the Capitol. The Ferret is the domestic relative of the Polecat and has a long history with human societies.

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Mammals, Hyena Seona Anderson Mammals, Hyena Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, HYENA: I will laugh like a hyena, and that when thou art inclined to sleep. There are 4 living Hyena species including the Spotted or Laughing Hyena and they have suffered from a negative reputation.

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Birds, Jay Seona Anderson Birds, Jay Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, JAY: What, is the jay more precious than the lark because his feathers are more beautiful?

The beautiful noisy Jay is still a common sight in rural and urban areas.

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Birds, Chough Seona Anderson Birds, Chough Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, CHOUGH: nor the boding raven, nor chough hoar… may on our birdhouse perch or sing. The distinctive Chough with its red legs and bills features in heraldry and heritage.

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