Birds, Dove Seona Anderson Birds, Dove Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, DOVE: whose white investments figure innocence, the dove and very blessed spirit of peace. The Dove is one of the birds associated with Christ and they are symbolic in Islam, Judaism and other faiths.

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Sea Creatures, Barnacles Seona Anderson Sea Creatures, Barnacles Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, BARNACLES: we shall lose our time and all be turned to barnacles or to apes. Barnacles are marine invertebrates but this quote could also refer to Barnacle Geese.

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Insects, Tick Seona Anderson Insects, Tick Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, TICK: I had rather be a tick in a sheep than such a valiant ignorance. Ticks can carry dangerous diseases including Lyme Disease.

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Plants, Flowers, Lily Seona Anderson Plants, Flowers, Lily Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, LILY: like the lily that once was mistress of the field and flourished, I’ll hang my head and perish. Lily are closely associated with Annunciation Day.

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Trees, Palm Seona Anderson Trees, Palm Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, PALM: for saints have hands that pilgrims hands to touch, and palm to palm is holy palmer’s kiss. Palm Sunday makes the start of Christian Holy Week.

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Trees, Shrubs, Box, Gardens Seona Anderson Trees, Shrubs, Box, Gardens Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, BOX: Get you all three into the boxtree. Malvolio’s coming down this walk. Box was been used as a decorative shrub in formal gardens but there are also wild Box woodlands in the UK.

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Insects, Ladybird Seona Anderson Insects, Ladybird Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, LADYBIRD: What, lamb! What, ladybird! Where’s this girl. What, Juliet! There are 26 species of these iconic insects in Britain.

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Plants, Gorse, Shrubs Seona Anderson Plants, Gorse, Shrubs Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, GORSE: through toothed briers, sharp furze, pricking gorse, and thorns which entered their frail shins. Gorse can flower in even the lowest temperatures.

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Insects, Worm Seona Anderson Insects, Worm Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, WORM: A man may fish with a worm that hath eat of a king and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm. Worms are remarkable undervalued creatures that maintain our soils and habitats.

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Birds, Magpie Seona Anderson Birds, Magpie Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, MAGPIE: Augurs and understood relations have by maggot pies, and choughs and rooks brought forth the secret’st man of blood.

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Trees, Ash Seona Anderson Trees, Ash Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, ASH: whereagainst my grained ash an hundred times hath broke. Ash is a magnificent tree and a valued timber but UK populations are being destroyed by Ash Dieback.

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Plants, Clover, Meadow Seona Anderson Plants, Clover, Meadow Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, CLOVER: the even mead, that erst brought sweetly forth the freckled cowslip, burnet and green clover. Clovers provide fodder, fix nitrogen and feed bees.

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Trees, Sycamore Seona Anderson Trees, Sycamore Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, SYCAMORE: where underneath the grove of sycamore…so early walking did I see your son. Sycamores were late entries to Britain but are widely naturalised.

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Birds, Starling Seona Anderson Birds, Starling Seona Anderson


Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, STARLING: I’ll have a starling shall be taught to speak nothing but “Mortimer”. Starlings, colourful, noisy, sociably are remarkable mimics.

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