Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, ANT: We’ll set thee to school to an ant to learn that there’s no labouring i’ th’ winter. Ants were considered examples of ‘good’ insects whose organisational and social structures were considered instructional for human society.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, SALAMANDER: I have maintained that salamander of yours with fire any time this two-and-thirty years. Salamanders have been associated with fire since antiquity. Fire Salamanders are now considered Vulnerable to Extinction.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, POLECAT or FITCHEW: ‘Tis such another fitchew - marry, a perfumed one! Polecat was used as an insult in Elizabethan England and the Polecat was almost exterminated in Britain by the early 20th Century.
Shakespeare Species Quote of the Day, RABBIT/CONY: There is no remedy. I must cony-catch, I must shift. Rabbits were introduced either by the Romans or the Normans but are now naturalised in the UK.